Where are the recorded videos stored?
Stored locally* in the 8GB eMMC.
*If you choose to use cloud-based features such as cloud storage or push notifications with thumbnail previews, videos or thumbnail previews will be sent to the cloud as needed to provide your selected features.
How to unlock Video Smart Lock E330 when the battery dies? Does the lock still work with a key if out of power?
You'll get a low-battery notification when the battery is under 10%. If the battery dies, you can power it up via the port on the exterior lock. Includes 2 manual keys, you can find the cylinder under a cover and open it to use a physical key.
What kind of door is Video Smart Lock E330 compatible with?
Any door with a wood or metal construction should be suitable Dimensions required: Crossbore diameter: 38 mm or 54 mm. Backset: 60 mm or 70 mm. A hole: 25.4 mm. Door thickness: 35 mm-55 mm. Location of handleset greater than 45 mm.
Is Video Smart Lock E330 compatible with Apple HomeKit, IFTTT, or Matter?
It's not compatible with these services yet. It's now compatible with HomeBase 3 - local storage expandable up to 16 TB*- all with no monthly fee. (Additional storage drives are not included.)
What's the difference between Video Smart Lock S330 and E330?
The S330 comes with Chime, supports 128GB SD Card storage (card not included), and offers 10% longer battery life. It includes advanced detection for departure, loitering, and auto-locks when the door is securely closed.